Programmable Architecture

-Towards Human Interactive, Cybernetic Architecture-Kensuke Hotta, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 2013

プログラマブル アーキテクチャ


堀田憲祐, 英国建築協会建築学校, 2013

1-1. Introduction

There are two different meanings associated with the word “architecture”. The first relates to “the style and design of a building or buildings” and the other to “the structure of a computer system and the way it works” from the Longman dictionary (Ed. Various, 2009). In this thesis, the former is described as ‘architecture (building)’, and is considered the “hardware”. The latter is described as ‘architecture (system) ’and is regarded as the “software”. This proposal will attempt to re-connect these two words because of the upsurge in computational methods, not only as an extension of the designer’s hand - such as drawing software - but also as an extension of the designer’s intelligent, brain-like functions (mind) - such as intelligent controllable tools.

     Programmable Architecture, as discussed in this research, proposes a new strategy for cybernetic architecture defined as a multi-scaled system that communicates with architectural components. The smallest elements are interconnected with humans by devices such as smartphones. Through both software and hardware, it has the ability to change its shapes during its interaction. (Fig1-1-1) The important thing is to ensure that the architectural space (building and system) is somehow controllable by human agents. 

     The core challenge is to make the hardware a lattice of discrete machines (which consist of self-contained components) that integrates numerous computers dedicated to sensing-calculating-actuating, each making its own decisions in order to produce an interactive interface. True adaptability or sustainability of architecture can result from such a system. 


 「アーキテクチャ」という言葉にはふたつの意味がある。ひとつは構造物や建築物のスタイルやデザインに関連するもの、そしてもうひとつは、コンピュータシステムの構造とその働きである。(ロングマン現代英英辞典, ,2009年版)  この論文では、前者は建築物(物理的建造物)を表し、これをハードウェアと呼ぶこととする。後者は建築システムと表現しソフトウェアと呼ぶこととする。この提案は、今日のコンピューテション手法の隆盛によって、この二つの言葉を再び接続することを試みる。それは、設計者の手の延長線上にある図面ソフトのようなものだけでなく、設計者の知的機能の延長としての役割を担う使い方を意味する。また、これはコンピュータが知的な協働のための道具となるような可能性を示唆する。



     The thesis makes a contribution to the below 3 points

- to the debate about cybernetic architecture, particularly real-time optimisation, and robotic architectural elements that can make real-time decisions and can learn.

- to methods of human interaction with learning algorithms in architecture

- to scientific testing through physical demonstration of a responsive roof structure.





Fig.1-1, 1, A diagram of proposed Architecture (both in building and system and those connections.) 

~Rest of part is on Kindle
