Programmable Architecture

-Towards Human Interactive, Cybernetic Architecture-

Kensuke Hotta, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 

プログラマブル アーキテクチャ


堀田憲祐, 英国建築協会建築学校 

Chapter 7

Experiment 2: Human-Assisted GA with Processing (Excerpt.)

第7章, 実験2:人間が援助する遺伝的アルゴリズム(抜粋)

7-1. Introduction

In the previous chapter, it was seen that Galapagos has several limitations. Especially in the case of a dynamic fitness landscape, the real-time kinetic candidate was unable to achieve an ideal result (the ‘kinetic ultimate’ candidate). In this chapter, using another program, Processing, which is a version of JAVA, a more flexible system will be created which allows user participation in the process.

7-1. 序論


Fig.7-1,1 The screenshot of the execution windowThis figure shows the actual window shot of the program. There are 4 components of the proposed tensegrity structure in this experiment. Black bold lines show the compression sticks and brown thin lines show tension wire, Blue bars show suspension, and Green triangles show the membranes as roof, in tensegrity structure. Also, the black grid shows the ground plane. Yellow lines are the connection lines between the moving point and the crosspoint of the grid that indicates lies from the sun to the ground. The red triangles are the shadows of the green membranes. Those are dynamic systems.
図.7-1.1:実行画面のスクリーンショット この図は、実際のプログラムのスクリーンショットである。この実験で提案されたテンセグリティー構造の構成要素は4つある。黒の太線は圧縮棒、茶の細線は張力ワイヤー、青の棒はサスペンション、緑の三角はルーフとなる膜を示し、テンセグリティー構造になっている。また、黒い格子は地上面を表している。黄色い線は、太陽から地面の格子を結ぶ接続線である。赤い三角形は、緑の膜の影を示している。これらは動的システムである。

7-2. The Model Concept


Fig.7-2,1: System DiagramThe proposed system consists of 2 inputs, one is a sensor and another is a device. Those data are treated and result in a shape change of the kinetic roof.
図.7-2,1 : システム図 提案するシステムは2つの入力で構成されており、1つはセンサー、もう1つは人間が持つデバイスである。これらのデータは処理され、結果としてキネティックルーフの形状を変化させる。

The biggest difference and improvement from the previous model is the ‘Sandwich method’. While the previous model only allowed one input, namely the environmental input from the sun, this model has 2 inputs, one the top-down environmental input similar to the GA, and the other being a bottom-up user input explained below. Obviously, this is not a pure GA system, but rather a human-interactive evolutionary algorithm. To understand the system’s processes diagrams are used. The roof is made of a tensegrity structure which has the ability to change shape with shape memory alloy.


Fig.7-2, 2: Process Diagram Step1 (Drawn by Auther) 
図.7-2 , 2 : システム進行過程、ステップ1(著者作画) 

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